General Books
Himalayan Frontiers: A Political Review of British, Chinese, Indian and Russian Rivalries
Dorothy Woodman
Bahrie and Rockliff: The Cresset Press
London, 1967
The Pamirs and the Source of the Oxus
by George N. Curzon
With Map and Illustrations
Revised and Reprinted From ‘The Geographical Journal’ For July, August, And September 1896
Baltistan Books
A Summer in High Asia
Being a Record of Sport and Travel in Baltistan and Ladakh
by Capt Fes Adair (Late Rifle Brigade)
With an Appendix on Central Asian Trade by Capt. SH Godfrey.
(Late British Joint-Commissioner – Leh)
In the Ice World
Among the Peaks and Passes of Ladakh, Nubra, Suru, and Baltistan
by Fanny Bullock Workman and William Hunter Workman
The Snout of the Biafo Glacier in Baltistan
by JB Auden, Assistant Superintendent, Geological Survey Of India
The Ferns of Gilgit, Baltistan, And Ladak
by Ralph R. Stewart
Bulletin of The Torrey Botanical Club
Vol. 71, No. 6, Pp. 660-662
November 1944
Debacle in Baltistan
by Skumar Mahajan
General Zorawar Singh
His Life and Achievements in Ladakh, Baltistan and Tibet
Dr CL Datta, MA, PhD
Reader, Department Of History, Panjab University, Chandigarh
Gilgit Baltistan Disputed Territory or A ‘Fossil of Intrigues’
Amanullah Khan
Gilgit Books
On Gilgit and Chital
by Munphool Moonshee, CSI of the Punjab Secretariat (Communicated by the India Office)
Letters from GW Hayward On His Explorations in Gilgit and Yassin
Royal Geographical Society
During The Session 1870-71 (Forming Vol LXI of The Society Journal)
Published: July 1, 1872
Read: November 15, 1870
Description of A Trip To The Gilgit Valley, A Dependency of The Maharaja of Kashmir
By Capt H C Marsh, 18th Bengal Cavalry.
Journal Asiatic Society of Bengal
Part I: History, Literature
Memorandum on Gilgit Affairs
by Maj Biddulph
March 31, 1881
Gilgit Mission
Colonel Sir WSA Lockhart, K.C.B., C.S.I.:
Bengal Army And Colonel G Woodthorpe, C.B., Royal Engineers.
Military Report and Gazetteer of The Gilglt Agency and The Independent Territories of Tangir and Darel
Issued by The Division Of The Chief Of The Staff
Reports on Forts Roads etc in Gilgit Agency
by Lt Col CE Haswell
Routes in Chitral Gilgit and Kohistan
4th edition by General Staff
The Fall of Gilgit
The Untold Story of Indo-Pak Affairs From Jinnah To Bhutto
(1947 to July 1977)
BL Kak
The Gilgit Game
The Explorers of the Western Himalayas
John Keay
History of Gilgit
Shah Rais Khan
Edited by Professor Ahmad Hasan Dani, (Hon) Director
Centre for the Study of the Civilizations of Central Asia
Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad
With the assistance of Abdul Hamid Khawar and Akbar Husain Akbar
The Gilgit Rebellion 1947
by Maj Brown